Long-term committed relationships are a lot of hard work, and there will be bumps along the way. Committed relationship work on the foundation of love, trust, and satisfaction. And it is usual for two people to eventually find it hard to stay committed because the relationship no longer provides the comfort it used to.

Even the best relationships go awry after some time, but what makes a difference, is if you are willing to work on the difficulties. Successfully working on your relationship issues requires you to be able to solve problems together. It has to be a collective effort in which having couples therapy in New York can help.

Although the issues you face differ from couple to couple, the following are the six most common problems which a couples therapist in NYC can help you solve.

#1: You don’t take an interest in each other’s interests

Of course, you want your partner to pursue their interests, and you don’t want to burden them with things you love, but you want yourself and your partner to get excited about the same things. These sentiments come from a good place, but they can create distance in your relationship, especially if you don’t have the same interests. This can lead to the loss of intimacy and interconnectedness that might hamper the health of your relationship.

#2: Are your spending habits different?

Money can be a significant differentiating factor and cause tensions between people in relationships. When it comes to how you must spend your money, it depends on your previous habits.  find couples therapy near me which can help you both understand one another and reach healthy compromises especially when spending money. During couples therapy you can lay the groundwork for how you approach your finances together.

#3: You’ve fallen out of intimacy

When it comes to sex, the most common marriage problem is the difference in desire and the reluctance to discuss it openely. People often don’t talk about it explicitly, and not being on the same level can result in a rut in your relationship. Even within the safety of a committed relationship, people can feel shame and judgement around their performance,as well as  pressure to do things that they are not comfortable with.

#4: Jealousy or infidelity 

The most common causes of insecurity and jealousy in a relationship is a history of infidelity. Most often, people get jealous of each other due to a special closeness they exhibit with some people. This emotional betrayal can cause many more problems in your relationship than meet the eye; a couple therapist can help you navigate through the pain and help you reconcile and rebuild your trust.

Finding the best couples counselor can make all the difference to your relationship. We can help. Connect with us today.